BinMaxValue | float | Maximum separation in scale. | |
BinMinValue | float | Minimum separation in scale. | |
BinNumber | int | Number of bins in scale. | |
BinType | str | Binning used in scale [LIN, LOG]. | |
Blinding | BlindingType | Blinding | |
CorrelationFile | GcTwoPointCrossCorrFile1D | FITS data file containing the 1D Cross correlation values. | |
CosmologyID | str | Identifier for Cosmology used in redshift transformation. | |
CountingMethod | str | Partition method used in pair counting [LINKED_LIST, KD_TREE]. | |
DataCatalog1 | str | Name of input DATA catalog 1. | |
DataCatalog2 | str | Name of input DATA catalog 2. | |
PairsFile | GcTwoPointCrossPairFile1D | FITS data file containing the 1D Cross pair counts. | |
RandCatalog1 | str | Name of input RANDom catalog 1. | |
RandCatalog2 | str | Name of input RANDom catalog 2. | |
ReleaseName | str | Identifier for the release in which the product has been created | |
RunType | str | Type of clustering measurement on catalog. | |
SelectionID1 | str | Identifier for the SEL-ID selection. | |
SelectionID2 | str | Identifier for the SEL-ID selection. | |
SplitFactor | int | Number of RANDom subcatalogs used in computation. | |
Statistics | str | Type of correlation [ONE_DIM, PROJECTED, ...]. | |
UseWeight | str | Object weighting enabled/disabled. | |